There are several great image icons used throughout Orcas Island Getaway's website created by amazing artists and made available through The Noun Project.

Below is a list of those used with credit being attributed accordingly.

Icon Image credits:

Calendar by Edward Boatman from the Noun Project
Car by Ananth from the Noun Project
Book by Nathan Thomson from the Noun Project
dial pad by Gregor Črešnar from the Noun Project
Checklist by Oliviu Stoian from the Noun Project
Door by Zlatko Najdenovski from the Noun Project
Log Out by Zlatko Najdenovski from the Noun Project
manual by Sergey Patutin from the Noun Project
Compass by Mani Amini from the Noun Project
Restaurant by Federico Panzano from the Noun Project
air conditioner by Oleksandr Panasovskyi from the Noun Project
Fido and Hikers: Public domain from the Noun Project
TV Stand by Oliviu Stoian from the Noun Project
hot tub by Juan Pablo Bravo from the Noun Project
Espresso Machine by André Luiz Gollo from the Noun Project
QA by Sergey Novosyolov from the Noun Project
Bluetooth Speaker by Alex Tia from the Noun Project
Fireplace by John Burraco from the Noun Project
Battery by Mahmudur Rahman Shovy from the Noun Project
Sunglasses by MARKBUFALO from the Noun Project
t-shirt by Royyan Wijaya from the Noun Project
Mobile Charger by IYIKON, PK from the Noun Project
